Johnny is the creator of the Jack Christie books - electrifying time travel based on real history for younger readers and adults who should know better. Johnny grew up in the Scottish Borders and has a passion for writing and speaking about history.
There are four books in the Jack Christie series. Each is based on a turning point in history that changed the world.
Day of the Assassins (originally published in the UK, US, China and Turkey), was shortlisted for the BBC History Magazine/ Historical Association ‘Young Quills Award’. It was also long-listed for the Branford Boase Award, the Book Trust Booked Up programme and the Catalyst Book Award.
Day of the Assassins - 1914 - is based around the build up to World War 1 and the assassination in Sarajevo.
Day of Deliverance - 1588 - focuses on the Elizabethan period, the Armada and the world of Shakespeare and Marlowe.
Day of Vengeance - 1940 - takes Jack to the Fall of France and Hitler's visit to Paris, the Battle of Britain and the Nazi Vengeance programme.
Day of Rebellion - 2040 and 1860 - is about China and The Taiping Rebellion... and the future.
Do be aware that the Jack Christie books are historical/time travel adventure stories that combine fiction with real historical events - including warfare. Some scenes contain jeopardy, threat and injury. We're just letting you know!
Johnny has spoken about books, writing and history to schools and adult groups across the UK, including the Cheltenham, Edinburgh, Hay, Starlit and Borders Festivals.